
Showing posts from October, 2018

Cellnex Telecom deploys broadband in the new state of Atletico de Madrid

Cellnex Telecom deploys broadband in the new state of Atletico de Madrid The company will provide service to the 68,000 spectators of the site thanks to a network of 'small cells' that can work with different telephony operators   Cellnex Telecom will equip the Wanda Metropolitano stadium, the new 'home' of Club Atlético de Madrid, from the 2017-2018 season, with multi-operator mobile broadband coverage, thanks to the signed agreement between both parties. Cellnex has already closed agreements with several operators - among them Telefónica, Vodafone and Orange - which, from the outset, will offer their customers access to voice and data services in 4G broadband and in the future 5G. The deployment of this infrastructure in the Wanda Metropolitano will improve the user experience and avoid the network failures that usually occur in areas of high connectivity demand due to the conglomeration of a large number of simultaneous users.    This solution is a pio

Patented hiking stick that allows recharging mobile devices

Patented hiking stick that allows recharging mobile devices It has a handle that wraps the hand when walking and becomes a helix at rest   A research group from the University of Jaén has patented an electronic hiking stick that allows recharging electronic devices. The invention, as reported by the Discover Foundation, stores, from wind or hydraulic sources, electricity in an internal battery that allows recharging mobile devices, such as GPS or cameras on medium and long haul routes. The recharge of these electronic devices allows to increase the security of the hiker, according to the investigators, who assure that, precisely, that was the beginning of the invention. "During a route with my daughter I had an accident and I ran out of battery in the mobile, it was impossible to establish communications, so I asked myself how to solve the problem with a specific device", explains the researcher Cristina Martín.   According to this expert, the depletion of batte

It is possible that your work does not exist in 2030

It is possible that your work does not exist in 2030 Technology will not replace workers, but new jobs will appear   Big data, artificial intelligence, new technologies applied to software are the tools that are increasingly common in jobs and that, over the years, will be daily in the jobs in all companies. A study carried out by the Institute for the Future has analyzed how emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality and the cloud, will transform lives and jobs in the next decade.   The landing of these tools will cause that 85% of the jobs that will be in 2030 do not exist today, and all organizations by then will be technological, and as such, companies must start thinking now about how to protect their infrastructure and their labor, according to this report. By the year 2030, the human dependence on technology will become an authentic relationship, bringing skills such as creativity, passion and an entrepreneurial a

From the heart to the flamenco: the language revolution

From the heart to the flamenco: the language revolution    A smiling face, a heart, a silent monkey ... or an eggplant. Perhaps writing is a strange enumeration, but if these words are translated into a small image of 12 x 12 pixels and Unicode format they are understood in Spain, the United Kingdom, Japan and China. They are the famous emoji, who have jumped from smartphones to everyday life. A link between countries that came together with the Japanese Shigetaka Kurita in 1999 and that every July 17 is celebrated on Emoji Day.    However, the choice of this date is not the true birth of these little symbols. The choice is a bit arbitrary, according to the Emojipedia, encyclopedia network about the most famous images of the Internet. The answer is Apple and its calendar that marks July 17. The choice was made by Jeremy Burge, the founder of the online encyclopedia, "emojis are the best way to add personality to a purely textual conversation," he explains. The conve

An application studies offer taxi drivers to accompany seniors to make the purchase

An application studies offer taxi drivers to accompany seniors to make the purchase When the driver accompanies the contractor, the meter enters the state of 'waiting service'    The mobile application of the National Taxi Association (ANT), ' TaxiES ', launched in 2015 to "defend" the VTC, is working to offer a new social service to accompany seniors and people in need to make the purchase or go to the doctor while the car is waiting (at normal stop rate). The ANT has signed on Tuesday July 18 a collaboration agreement with Unitramc, the association of freelancers attached to the UGT, with the aim of promoting innovation, training and utilities of taxi drivers assigned to the web application and the tool itself, which "shortly" will implement a new social service that, if we succeed, could reach Madrid soon. As indicated on Tuesday by a representative of the taxi sector in Alicante, the birthplace of this service, the new applicability

An iPhone of 1,000 dollars?

An iPhone of 1,000 dollars? The giant of Cupertino bets 100% on the device of the tenth anniversary    September 2017. This is the date that lovers of Apple's bitten apple are waiting to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the iPhone. Little official information is known so far, although the rumors are an incessant source that does not stop reaching the media. Ten years of the presentation of Steve Jobs and a phone that revolutionized the market, but that has nothing to do with current smartphones. That first iPhone was worth $ 499, double that of its competitors, and it had a 2 megapixel camera, it worked through 2G and it was impossible to turn the screen.   Now seven generations later it is expected that Apple will leave the market amazed, after several attempts in recent years. Although, it is not known when it will see the light, Apple has given to twist its arm to the OLED screens and it has done to its maximum rival Samsung according to Nikkei. 70 million OLED p

The new emojis end with old claims

The new emojis end with old claims iOS presents 56 new images with pregnant women, headscarves and beards   The equality between men and women is a battle that has been waged for a long time and little by little small contests are winning. One of those races is the parity in the emojis that arrived in 2016 when the first 12x12 pixels of women who played sports arrived In the month of May, Google introduced in all its Android phones, according to Unicode, thirteen new designs that incorporated emojis of men and women. Months later it was the turn of Apple that with the arrival of iOS 10 took the opportunity to give access to more than 100 new images among which were women surfing, doctors or police.    The latest update of the new language on smartphones will arrive in the coming months after the approval of Unicode. Taking advantage of the celebration of Emoji Day this week, Apple has released a preview of the small images that will be seen in iOS, macOS and watchOS, but,

Apple is launched to break the duopoly of Tencent and Alibaba in China for mobile payments

Apple is launched to break the duopoly of Tencent and Alibaba in China for mobile payments The American company will offer discounts of up to 50% when customers pay with Apple Pay in some stores with which it has an agreement   The US company Apple this week launched a campaign in China to promote its mobile payment platform, which seeks to break the existing duopoly in the country between giants Tencent and Alibaba, according to the financial portal Caixin reported Wednesday . Apple will offer a series of discounts of up to 50% when customers choose to pay with their Apple Pay service in some stores with which they have an agreement, in an attempt to increase their share in the world's largest mobile payment market.   The market for online transactions is valued at 35 trillion yuan (about 5.2 trillion dollars, 4.66 trillion euros) in China, says Caixin, and is dominated by technology giants Tencent (with Wechat Payments) and Alibaba (with Alipay), who together domina

The second opportunity of Google Glass

The second opportunity of Google Glass The multinational announces the sale of its new generation of smart glasses by the hand of official partners such as the Spanish Streye   It seemed that Google had abandoned the project of its smart glasses after its Glass Explorer project ended in 2015 . However, this Tuesday the company has revealed that it has been working on its new Glass Enterprise since then, with the help of partners who have developed software, hardware and who will market these lenses. One of these partners is the Spanish company Streye , the only one in our country and one of only two in Europe. The company based in Murcia has been working on the development of the device software since late 2015 when Google invited them to be official developers of their smart glasses .   Frank Escandell, director of business development for Streye, says that the three main improvements of the new Glass Enterprise are the increase in autonomy by a battery of 780 mAh, the I

The dangers of selling the mobile

The dangers of selling the mobile The smartphones continuously store data of the private life that put in risk the security of its owner    The appearance of Ebay and, especially, the arrival of applications such as Wallapop have triggered the transactions of second-hand goods between individuals. Numerous sales that reveal private data at the time of selling products, mainly technological. According to Panda Security, about half of the mobile phones that are sold second-hand in Spain contain sensitive personal information from the terminal vendor. That is to say, they stay with the activated social networks, with the application of the operative electronic mail and even with the keys of access to enter in the application of the bank.   Although, the percentage is even greater when it comes to devices that are thrown away or that are changed by new devices, within the known as "renove plans" of the telephone companies, the manufacturers of the terminals or of sto

Monitor the house on vacation with your mobile

Monitor the house on vacation with your mobile The smartphone allows you to control what happens in the home from anywhere with a minimum investment   During the first four months of 2017, 39,651 burglaries were carried out forcefully in homes, establishments and other facilities in Spain, according to the Ministry of the Interior. Although the summer, and specifically in August, is the favorite time for thieves. However, the arrival of technology has become an ally of citizens, since they can transform mobile devices and work as surveillance systems at home.    Applications such as IP Webcam, iVideon or iVMS-4500 convert the phone into a real-time video circuit, audio transmission and motion detection. Javier Álvarez, Coordinator of the Energy Sistem Mobility Team, explains: "All are free programs that are downloaded and configured with simplicity: to use it, it is only necessary to install and access the account in two different smartphones, one of them starts the

Millennials do not fear robots at work

Millennials do not fear robots at work Most workers do not believe "in any way" that a computer can replace him in his current job    According to the International Federation of Robotics there are currently around 1.5 million industrial robots. Several American reports that the presence of a robot equals the destruction of 5.6 jobs. By 2025, the International Federation of Robotics predicts that there will be a total of six million robots in the world of work. Data that have alarmed many sectors of the population, but that the vast majority of Spaniards, according to a survey by Sigma Dos for Cotec, assume it with optimism    According to the survey, 64% of the Spanish active population (those who have a job or seek it) feel qualified to compete in an increasingly automated and technological labor market. The biggest differences in the answers have to do with the level of training and with age. 76% of those with higher education are prepared for this new labor

Hyperloop will join New York with Washington in half an hour

Hyperloop will join New York with Washington in half an hour Elon Musk announces that he has a "verbal commitment" to make his ultra-fast train one of the two cities, although it is still an undated project The two most important cities in the United States could be only 29 minutes by train despite the 500 km that separate them. It is the idea that Elon Musk, founder of Hyperloop, has announced in his Twitter profile. "I just received the government's verbal agreement for the Boring Company to build an underground Hyperloop NY-Fil-Balt-DC, NY-DC in 29 minutes," he tweeted using the abbreviations for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Musk also points out that he is "optimistic" about a formal agreement, which could happen "quickly". The businessman, also founder of Tesla and the aerospace company SpaceX, initially formed a council of advisers to President Donald Trump, but abandoned it when the president announced

Nukebot, the virus that threatens online banking

Nukebot, the virus that threatens online banking This new Trojan is designed to infect the websites of banks and financial organizations   NukeBot is a new banking Trojan designed to steal credentials of online banking customers. Although the appearance of a family of malware is not unusual, the fact that criminals have a version of the Trojan ready to attack means that they can start a malicious campaign on a large scale. About 5% of all samples found by Kaspersky Lab are new attack versions of NukeBot, with improved source codes and attack capabilities. Among other things, these versions contain parts of the user interface of real online banking services. The analysis of these injections leads the Kaspersky Lab experts to think that the main objectives of the new version of NukeBot are the users of French and American banks.    After the infection, the virus "injects" malicious code into the website of the online banking service and then steals user data, fals

The Spanish artificial vision chip begins to locate objects

The Spanish artificial vision chip begins to locate objects The system consists of a mini camera installed in special glasses that mimic the operation of the eye   Iris II, the first Spanish receiver of the artificial vision device as part of a European clinical trial with ten participants, has begun to locate objects, half a year after the implantation of the retina chip. In January, the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery (IMO) performed an operation on the patient Francisco Mulet, with vision deficit for more than 30 years, and this month has concluded the first stage of the study locating objects thanks to the perception of points of light .    The patient continues with his work to identify the different objects through a visual reeducation program. The aim of the patient to learn to interpret the light stimuli that he receives and, thus, achieve "seeing" with the artificial vision system developed by the company Pixium Vision. This system consists of a mini

The eSports, a board that changes with each box

The eSports, a board that changes with each box The big telecommunications companies try to adapt to a world with so many advances that their universe is transformed at the speed of a blink    A blink can be lethal in electronic sports (eSports) because the enemy does not hesitate to shoot. An instant delay can be deadly in any game because reflexes are essential to tackle another or score a goal. But not only speed is fundamental in the online duels of millions of players around the world, because organizations and structures are also testing the adaptability of gamers (players) and telecommunications companies ( Telcos) that sustain a young and expanding universe. "In the past, ADSL connections and speed were bad. You were firing as if you had to aim ahead so that when the shot came, it would hit you from a distance. As the high-speed connections, fiber or mobile with the 4G and 5G, which are around the corner, are developed, this gaming experience has been much bett

Five things you should not do with your smartphone

Five things you should not do with your smartphone The mobile phone has become an essential element in our lives. However, the use we make of it daily can be wrong The mobile phone has become an essential element in our lives. However, the use we make of it daily can be wrong. Therefore, we offer several tips on what you should not do with your mobile device. 1- Do not update applications It is important that you update the applications when the warning appears on the phone interface. The idea that, when updating, the mobile will go slower is erroneous. Complying with the updates will be able to improve errors of previous versions. 2- Do not use the screen lock In any device it is advisable to establish a security code or blocking pattern. This will prevent that in case of loss or theft of your mobile, anyone can access the content you have in it: personal data, photographs, phone contacts ... 3- Always have WiFi and Bluetooth option activated This point sometimes goe

Bird's Eye Selfies

Bird's Eye Selfies To be recorded or photographed from impossible perspectives is already possible thanks to the minidrones    The selfies have evolved at great speed during the last five years. Fashion began timidly with digital cameras, but shortly after the irruption of the 'smartphone' in the market changed the rules of the game forever. Then came the selfie stick, inseparable companion of the self-portrait addict. Now the drones could become their substitutes. These new devices allow photographing remote environments and any person or group of people from a bird's-eye view, which provides greater freedom when taking photographs, since it is not necessary to place the mobile phone at face height, but it is enough to press the button so that the drone takes care of the rest. In addition to taking pictures, these drones can also automatically follow a person and record moving plans. As for their professional utility, drones are used more and more frequentl

Tools to shield against the 'spoilers' in the network

Tools to shield against the 'spoilers' in the network Internet and social networks offer tools so that a movie or series can not be gutted to the viewer At this point it would be strange that you would not have crossed paths with someone who had not commented on the premiere of the last season of 'Game of Thrones'. It is possible that you even have a faithful follower in your office, class, a WhatsApp group or on Facebook who has stayed up late to watch the last chapter broadcast. The problem comes when you count the hours to get home and plug the TV and that fidelity becomes an excessive desire to comment on what happened and end up revealing something essential. They are the feared 'spoilers', the English word that has been popularized to refer to the fact that someone eviscerates a book, a series or a movie. Avoiding them is not always easy. In your work you can establish the law of silence under threat of monumental anger, but in networks it d

Artificial intelligence could be ahead of cancer

Artificial intelligence could be ahead of cancer Japanese researchers create a system that detects early signs of colorectal cancer    Japanese scientists have created a device based on artificial intelligence that automatically detects 98% of polyps and other symptoms and signs of early stages of colorectal cancer. The National Cancer Center of Japan and the NEC company have developed a system that uses proprietary facial recognition technology to quickly identify abnormal conditions by examining images taken inside the large intestine, according to information collected by the local newspaper Asahi.    When it detects anomalies, the artificial intelligence system marks a circle in said location on a monitor and emits an audible alarm. Through this system, the scientists identified polyps that had not yet become tumors, as well as early stages of cancer during a routine colonoscopy. The researchers analyzed with this new system the images related to 5,000 cases and ve

Gmail will answer the email for you

Gmail will answer the email for you Google announces the launch of Smart Reply for Android and iOS, a system that suggests users quick responses to their messages    Taking work home and answering emails outside of working hours is a task that many Spaniards are used to. Reading emails on the fly is not very complicated, but answering them requires more time and effort. Now with the new Google mail functionality this task could be much faster for your users. Gmail has implemented the Smart Reply tool for Inbox and Allo , which helps save time by suggesting quick responses for messages. From this week the service is available in Spanish for iOS and Android , as reported by the company on Tuesday in its official blog. How does it work? Smart Reply suggests three answers for each email based on the content of the text thanks to a 'machine learning' tool. Once the user has chosen an answer, he can send it immediately or edit the text suggested by the tool. In ad

Goodbye, Paint

Goodbye, Paint Microsoft deletes from its next update to the famous image editor after 32 years of life The Minesweeper, MS-DOS, Windows Movie Maker, Paint. All of them are already a computer heritage. His life has been, and in some cases is, linked to Windows, but since this fall one of them will remain in memory to be replaced by 3D and new technologies. Microsoft Paint has been linked to Windows since its birth in 1985. Thirty-two years of marriage in which the engineers of the Redmond multinational have paid little attention to the small image editor. Few are the changes experienced in this application installed by default in all Windows, from 1.0 to the current 10. The first and, apparently, the last big update came with Windows 7 with a renewed interface. The arrival of Windows 10 and the bet of Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, brought a new tool oriented especially to the tablet: 3D. To date, father and son cohabit in computers equipped with the Microsoft operating

Microsoft recovers and announces that Paint remains

Microsoft recovers and announces that Paint remains The company reverses its decision to delete Paint after the bad reception of the news in social networks   Microsoft announced on Monday its decision to remove Paint from its update after 32 years of life and social networks were filled with sad comments from thousands of users. Faced with the avalanche of criticism, the company reverses and confirms that the program will stay. The technology has announced on its blog that it intends to offer Paint in a free version through Windows Store. "MS Paint has a lot of fans, it's been amazing to see so much love for our old and faithful application," they say from Windows, so they've decided that everyone can access it.    In fact, the program has already disappeared from the list of applications that will be deleted or those that will be replaced by others in the new operating system update. The company planned to replace Paint 3D with a new program called &

Ultimatum to Facebook, Twitter and Google for their conditions of use

Ultimatum to Facebook, Twitter and Google for their conditions of use The European Commission will take collective action against them by the national consumer protection authorities    The European Commission (EC) warned that if Facebook, Twitter and Google+ do not offer satisfactory commitments to adapt their conditions of use to European standards, a collective action will be taken against them by the national authorities of consumer protection. "I'm afraid we will not give them another chance: the next step in the procedure in case there is no satisfactory response will be to launch a coordinated action," European Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said today.    The three companies had to provide before July 20 a series of commitments to the Commission to adapt their terms and conditions of use to European laws on consumer protection, after Brussels and the national consumer protection authorities sent them a letter in November of last year asking for me

Detector Madrid, the wireless device against fires

Detector Madrid, the wireless device against fires It works with batteries and does not need installation or cables to detect smoke   Open, hang and detection enters your home. ' This is the proposal of four firefighters of Madrid, who have devised a pioneering system that allows to detect fires at home and without installation. The device with the name of Detector Madrid (DTM) is a new technology that brings prevention and safety to the home, with a simple portable device that hangs over the lintel of the door and, autonomously, detects the smoke of fires. "In France or the United Kingdom, the use of these home security devices is mandatory," says Roberto García, one of the creators of DTM, who also points out that, without a doubt, older people are the most at risk group.    It is a punctual, digital and intelligent system capable of discriminating the smoke of small particles such as that produced while cooking. For less than 70 euros and, in addition,

Guide for your mobile's battery to last longer in summer

Guide for your mobile's battery to last longer in summer Extreme heat and cold are not good friends to extend the smartphone's battery    Although the appearance of external batteries has saved the users of smartphones and electronic devices more than a hurry, the energy duration of these is still a headache. Huawei experts have created a guide to extend the daily life of the battery, and the first of them is to look at the ambient temperature. The chemists of the battery are altered with the high temperatures and do not work correctly, for this reason, the experts recommend "do not leave the devices a long time in the sun".    The use of housings is another reason why the battery triggers its degrees and may end up generating problems in the short term. If this problem occurs and the Android or iOS system of the device warns of the temperature, "introducing it in the fridge or freezer is not the solution", explain the experts. The extreme col

6,000 million files have been pirated so far this year

6,000 million files have been pirated so far this year According to the report, pirates increasingly point to files linked to work and taxes    An explosive increase in computer hacking led to the violation of more than 6,000 million files so far this year, surpassing the total of all 2016 infractions, security researchers said Tuesday. The US company Risk Based Security announced in its semi-annual report that it had identified, until June 30, 2,227 incidents of disclosure of data that affect financial, governmental, health and education information. "It's amazing to see the steady increase in the number of infractions, which has already reached one million files or more," said Inga Goddijn, executive vice president of Risk Based Security.    According to the report, pirates increasingly point to files linked to work and taxes. Some of the attacks successfully use phishing, redirecting or emails to obtain tax information from US citizens. Other targets incl

Android Pay arrives in Spain

Android Pay arrives in Spain Google's payment service is only available with BBVA    If Santander is the traveling companion of Apple Pay, Android has chosen BBVA. The great American technology companies already have their mobile payment systems in place in the two most important Spanish banking groups. Android has launched its platform in Spain on Thursday, the sixth market in the old continent where it lands. To use it, you only need an Android phone, the application and be a BBVA customer with a MasterCard or Visa card.    The payment system of the search giant will have to share the market with Apple Pay, which arrived in Spain at the end of 2016 and also with Samsung Pay, which landed in June last year. With payment with Android Pay, your card number is not shared with the store, as it uses a virtual account number instead, which represents the account information. "In this way, the data of your card remains always protected and safe. If you ever lose your

Playing an instrument improves audio-motor connectivity

Playing an instrument improves audio-motor connectivity According to a study, people who practice music training that requires both hands have greater independence from both    Playing a musical instrument throughout life improves the connection between the hearing area and the motor area, according to a study by researchers from the Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging group of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castelló and the McGill University of Canada. According to UJI sources, the research, carried out through the analysis of the resting brain of musicians and non-musicians using functional magnetic resonance, has also revealed that musicians who play an instrument that requires both hands present a greater autonomy between them .    The study, published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, has focused on music to understand how the function and structure of the brain can be modified through learning. Although most people have neural systems that allow them to lis

Facebook increased profits, ad revenue and users

Facebook increased profits, ad revenue and users The number of people who use Facebook at least once a month was 2.010 million at the end of June    The US social network Facebook announced on Wednesday second quarter results with higher than expected increases while its number of users continues to grow. The net profit had a 71% increase compared to the second quarter of last year and reached 3,900 million dollars. The volume of business also exceeded expectations and grew 45% to 9,300 million dollars while the profit per share was of 1,32 dollars against 1,13 dollars of the average expectation of the analysts. The sale of advertising, the most interesting segment for the market because it constitutes almost all of the group's income, also exceeded expectations: it increased 47% to 9,160 million dollars.   After the results report, Facebook shares, which ended the day with an increase close to 1%, rose by around 2% in the operations after the closing of the market. &

WhatsApp reaches one billion daily users

WhatsApp reaches one billion daily users 60 languages ​​are spoken and 4,500 million images are shared    The Facebook family is in luck. At the beginning of July, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the social network, announced on his wall that his platform had achieved the 2 billion active monthly users. A few weeks later, and four years after its purchase, WhatsApp has reached one billion daily users, according to the company's official blog. This means that 1,000 million people have entered the platform in 30 days to see or send a message to their contacts. Mark Zuckerberg's instant messaging application has a total of 1,300 million registered users who send more than 55,000 million text messages, according to the company.    The appearance of WhatsApp has taken a 180 degree turn to the communication that has ended with, for example, the sending of SMS. According to the app's records, more than 4,500 million photographs and images and 1,000 million videos are se

«The awareness of payment for content has been established in the mind of the user»

«The awareness of payment for content has been established in the mind of the user» The number of Spaniards who pay to consume movies and online series has increased 13% since 2011, while the free viewing has been reduced by 21% The payment is imposing little by little the consumption of free digital content. The consumption of movies and online series of payment has increased by 13% since 2011 , while the free viewing has been reduced by 21%, according to the data of the study 'The maturity of the Spanish Internet user' made by Telecoming according to AIMC data after analyze the evolution of users during the last 13 years. 44% of the interviewees said they had made some kind of online purchase during the last week, 13% more than in 2011. This growth is driven by the role of the smartphone as a key element in the transformation of electronic payments and consumer spending. digital content The most relevant aspect of the study, according to David Murillo, director

'Gran Turismo' returns to the screens

'Gran Turismo' returns to the screens The most realistic driving simulator in history will be available from October 18    After several years flirting with the release of the thirteenth title of the 'GT' saga, the company Polyphony Digital has made official the arrival of 'Gran Turismo Sport' . After a break of almost four years - the last video game in the series was released in December 2013 - speed lovers will finally be able to enjoy the best driving simulation from October 18th . The video game, which has been accompanying Playstation since its first video game console, will arrive exclusively on Playstation 4 . In this way, the saga will continue with its presence in all videoconsoles created by Sony for almost 20 years .    In an interview in 2013, after the release of 'Gran Turismo 6', Kazunori Yamauchi (director of Polyphony Digital) said that "Gran Turismo Sport would be arriving on the PlayStation 4 console, possibly in a y