Goodbye, Paint

Goodbye, Paint

Microsoft deletes from its next update to the famous image editor after 32 years of life

The Minesweeper, MS-DOS, Windows Movie Maker, Paint. All of them are already a computer heritage. His life has been, and in some cases is, linked to Windows, but since this fall one of them will remain in memory to be replaced by 3D and new technologies.

Microsoft Paint has been linked to Windows since its birth in 1985. Thirty-two years of marriage in which the engineers of the Redmond multinational have paid little attention to the small image editor.

Few are the changes experienced in this application installed by default in all Windows, from 1.0 to the current 10. The first and, apparently, the last big update came with Windows 7 with a renewed interface.

The arrival of Windows 10 and the bet of Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, brought a new tool oriented especially to the tablet: 3D. To date, father and son cohabit in computers equipped with the Microsoft operating system but, the coexistence between the old Paint and the new one has the hours counted with the arrival of the next major update of the operating system, the Fall Creators Update .

The epilogue of Paint began to be written last April with the arrival of Paint 3D. A new application that allows you to share and create images beyond the two limited dimensions of Microsoft's most famous image editor.

This new tool also replaces the 3D version of the Builder app. The mix of these two comes with the blessing of Nadella that continues to focus on the market of tablets and mobile devices.

Next to the goodbye of Paint, Microsoft will also close several familiar programs such as Outlook Express, the Reader app or the famous screensavers of the company. With this farewell, Paint will be reunited with other mythical Microsoft characters forgotten by their engineers like Clippo, the famous Microsoft Office assistant.
