Detector Madrid, the wireless device against fires

Detector Madrid, the wireless device against fires

It works with batteries and does not need installation or cables to detect smoke

  Open, hang and detection enters your home. ' This is the proposal of four firefighters of Madrid, who have devised a pioneering system that allows to detect fires at home and without installation.

The device with the name of Detector Madrid (DTM) is a new technology that brings prevention and safety to the home, with a simple portable device that hangs over the lintel of the door and, autonomously, detects the smoke of fires.

"In France or the United Kingdom, the use of these home security devices is mandatory," says Roberto García, one of the creators of DTM, who also points out that, without a doubt, older people are the most at risk group.

   It is a punctual, digital and intelligent system capable of discriminating the smoke of small particles such as that produced while cooking. For less than 70 euros and, in addition, without installation. And is that the device is designed to be placed without any work or maintenance, since it runs on batteries.

"They are two photoelectric detectors that are located in the lintel of the door, strategic site and natural passage of the smoke, covering the two areas through which the smoke can come, and if it detects it, it warns the members of the house with a signal sound, "explains Roberto García.

Each year more than 200 people die from smoke inhalation being the leading cause of death for victims of indoor fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). For these firefighters and entrepreneurs "the legislation in this sense is insufficient" and they saw the need to develop DTM as the preventive solution that everyone can have at home.
