Gmail will answer the email for you

Gmail will answer the email for you

Google announces the launch of Smart Reply for Android and iOS, a system that suggests users quick responses to their messages

   Taking work home and answering emails outside of working hours is a task that many Spaniards are used to. Reading emails on the fly is not very complicated, but answering them requires more time and effort.

Now with the new Google mail functionality this task could be much faster for your users. Gmail has implemented the Smart Reply tool for Inbox and Allo , which helps save time by suggesting quick responses for messages.

From this week the service is available in Spanish for iOS and Android , as reported by the company on Tuesday in its official blog.

How does it work?

Smart Reply suggests three answers for each email based on the content of the text thanks to a 'machine learning' tool.

Once the user has chosen an answer, he can send it immediately or edit the text suggested by the tool.

In addition, Smart Reply is learning from the answers most used by the user and is suggesting better texts as it is used. "If you're more of saying 'thank you' than 'thank you,' we'll suggest the option that's best for you," says Greg Bullock, software engineer at Gmail.
