«The awareness of payment for content has been established in the mind of the user»

«The awareness of payment for content has been established in the mind of the user»

The number of Spaniards who pay to consume movies and online series has increased 13% since 2011, while the free viewing has been reduced by 21%

The payment is imposing little by little the consumption of free digital content. The consumption of movies and online series of payment has increased by 13% since 2011 , while the free viewing has been reduced by 21%, according to the data of the study 'The maturity of the Spanish Internet user' made by Telecoming according to AIMC data after analyze the evolution of users during the last 13 years.

44% of the interviewees said they had made some kind of online purchase during the last week, 13% more than in 2011. This growth is driven by the role of the smartphone as a key element in the transformation of electronic payments and consumer spending. digital content

The most relevant aspect of the study, according to David Murillo, director of Innovation and Design of Telecoming, is that the "only means of payment that grows is the mobile payment model" . "It is a clear alternative to other means of payment and the younger generations will consolidate it in the coming years ... Now we have a mobile phone before a credit card!", Highlights Murillo.

In fact, the most used device to consume music, series and movies in streaming by the Spanish is the mobile phone. "The market trend and high penetration promote the consumption of content in the mobile: from the screens, designed today more to navigate than to speak , to the development of networks that favor the consumption of data in front of the voice", affirms the expert.

«The youngest will consolidate the mobile payment model in the coming years ... Now we have a mobile phone before a credit card!»

Also, the "most significant" change in the coming years will be based on the evolution of the advertising model to subscription payment . "We will end up paying to eliminate advertising and improve the experience," says Murillo. In addition, the consumption of streaming content will also evolve towards payment for access to connected devices: "start a series on the subway and finish watching it on the television in the room".

Digital support surpasses the physical

The trend is repeated in the consumption of other content, in which payment models are gradually imposed against free content. This is the case of downloading electronic books , whose payment has increased by 8% between 2011 and 2016; followed by streaming music (+ 5%); online games (+ 2%); and the download of music, movies and series (+ 1%).

In addition, 2016 was the year in which digital formats have surpassed the traditional physical format with a 61.2% market share, which has been reduced to 38.8%. The rise of streaming music platforms is one of the main reasons. Thus, the digital music market exceeded 100 million euros in turnover , of which 62% correspond to user subscriptions to this type of service. Also, 25% comes from streaming music financed by advertising and only 10% corresponds to internet downloads.
