An application studies offer taxi drivers to accompany seniors to make the purchase

An application studies offer taxi drivers to accompany seniors to make the purchase

When the driver accompanies the contractor, the meter enters the state of 'waiting service'

   The mobile application of the National Taxi Association (ANT), ' TaxiES ', launched in 2015 to "defend" the VTC, is working to offer a new social service to accompany seniors and people in need to make the purchase or go to the doctor while the car is waiting (at normal stop rate).

The ANT has signed on Tuesday July 18 a collaboration agreement with Unitramc, the association of freelancers attached to the UGT, with the aim of promoting innovation, training and utilities of taxi drivers assigned to the web application and the tool itself, which "shortly" will implement a new social service that, if we succeed, could reach Madrid soon.

As indicated on Tuesday by a representative of the taxi sector in Alicante, the birthplace of this service, the new applicability of the app - which could reach Madrid once tested and approved by taxi drivers - would serve the driver to attend anyone who needs it, such as seniors, with reduced mobility or people who, as the taxi driver from Alicante has said, "find it hard to leave the house", and act "as relatives" to accompany them "when they need it" .

  In this way, the taximeter will remain in waiting service (which in Madrid would be 20.40 euros per hour) while the driver accompanies the contractor (to go to the doctor, shopping, etc.) and, after finishing the service, I would take it to another destination with its corresponding charge for having the taxi in operation.

In order to carry out this series of activities, all the taxi drivers targeted must have the first aid qualification (formed by the Red Cross, with which they have collaboration) and be affiliated with Unitramc.

With this new service, the taxi sector aims to "self-procure" by offering a service with which the VTC "can not compete", although to regularize the activities between all the stations and channels it will be necessary to wait for agreements between the different associations.

In addition, the signatories of the agreement have agreed to try to ensure, in the future, that taxi drivers also offer "tourist quality and language proficiency", as expressed by the president of the ANT, Santiago Muñoz.

"The new applications have the ability to professionalize the sector and to prevent intruders from destroying us from the outside, and many problems we had before UBER and Cabify arrived," said Uniatramc president Ángel Bravo Tardáguila.
