Guide for your mobile's battery to last longer in summer

Guide for your mobile's battery to last longer in summer

Extreme heat and cold are not good friends to extend the smartphone's battery

   Although the appearance of external batteries has saved the users of smartphones and electronic devices more than a hurry, the energy duration of these is still a headache.

Huawei experts have created a guide to extend the daily life of the battery, and the first of them is to look at the ambient temperature. The chemists of the battery are altered with the high temperatures and do not work correctly, for this reason, the experts recommend "do not leave the devices a long time in the sun".

   The use of housings is another reason why the battery triggers its degrees and may end up generating problems in the short term. If this problem occurs and the Android or iOS system of the device warns of the temperature, "introducing it in the fridge or freezer is not the solution", explain the experts. The extreme cold "is not a good option," Huawei says in his guide to good battery care.

The war of the batteries is a battle waged by the great technology brands for many months. Sooner or later, the batteries that illuminate smartphones suffer and their load cycles suffer.

A good use of and "charge the phone with the device off" helps to prolong the life of the battery, Huawei points out. During daily use, lowering the brightness of the screen or deactivating the use of GPS are two simple gestures that allow you to gain minutes when the electronic devices are exhausted.
