The eSports, a board that changes with each box

The eSports, a board that changes with each box

The big telecommunications companies try to adapt to a world with so many advances that their universe is transformed at the speed of a blink

   A blink can be lethal in electronic sports (eSports) because the enemy does not hesitate to shoot. An instant delay can be deadly in any game because reflexes are essential to tackle another or score a goal. But not only speed is fundamental in the online duels of millions of players around the world, because organizations and structures are also testing the adaptability of gamers (players) and telecommunications companies ( Telcos) that sustain a young and expanding universe.

"In the past, ADSL connections and speed were bad. You were firing as if you had to aim ahead so that when the shot came, it would hit you from a distance. As the high-speed connections, fiber or mobile with the 4G and 5G, which are around the corner, are developed, this gaming experience has been much better, "recalls Borja Mengotti, Senior Brand Manager of Vodafone Spain .

«You can not buy a ticket or a soccer field ticket»

It is the framework in which the Telcos have appeared as guarantors of competitiveness and, therefore, of enjoyment. "It's played thanks to our broadband and our fiber. Without that, you can not play. We are like in another sport it could be a racket, a car or some shoes. But not only for the players but also for the fans because, although we do finals with a physical event, the league days can only be followed in 'streaming' (retransmissions).

Each team plays from the center in which they meet and the only way they can follow is in streaming, which requires our broadband, a fiber, a 4G plus ... We continue on the same wheel, we are a facilitator that we make possible that when you play you enjoy yourself because you can not buy a ticket or a football field ticket », illustrates Ana Torres, director of sponsorships of Orange Spain. "We are a facilitator, also as an infrastructure provider and it is not only at a professional level. All this is something we did a long time ago for our commitment to entertainment in general and sports, "says Ignacio Fernández-Vega, director of Movistar TV .

Different positions

Orange sponsors the main leagues of electronic games ( League of Legends, Call of Duty, FIFA , etc.), Vodafone has three teams of 'LOL', another in Hearthstone and is supported by a channel on Twitch (the platform of broadcasts of most popular video games); while Movistar has added more equipment to the online game and has created the first channel for 'gamers' on pay television with an 'ecosystem' around it. From their different corners, the three Telcos deliver lectures and encourage a new structure that progresses towards professionalism.
