Hyperloop will join New York with Washington in half an hour

Hyperloop will join New York with Washington in half an hour

Elon Musk announces that he has a "verbal commitment" to make his ultra-fast train one of the two cities, although it is still an undated project

The two most important cities in the United States could be only 29 minutes by train despite the 500 km that separate them. It is the idea that Elon Musk, founder of Hyperloop, has announced in his Twitter profile.

"I just received the government's verbal agreement for the Boring Company to build an underground Hyperloop NY-Fil-Balt-DC, NY-DC in 29 minutes," he tweeted using the abbreviations for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Musk also points out that he is "optimistic" about a formal agreement, which could happen "quickly".

The businessman, also founder of Tesla and the aerospace company SpaceX, initially formed a council of advisers to President Donald Trump, but abandoned it when the president announced his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate.

The Boring Company is a company created by Musk that specializes in digging tunnels.

The US Department of Transportation declined to comment on the information and asked to contact a White House spokesperson, who did not confirm the agreement. "We have had promising talks so far," said the spokesman, "and we are determined to conduct transformative infrastructure projects and believe that the best solutions come often from the ingenuity and energy of the private sector."

Spain, in the Hyperloop project

The project 'You are the owner of your destiny', a tribute to Cervantes and Don Quixote, was the first step of the Spanish group Hyperloop One Global Challenge to present the national talent to the owners of Hyperloop One . The second attempt was in Amsterdam, where the project was presented in June and are awaiting the decision to know if Spain and Morocco will be able to house the tubes of this means of transport

On April 14, 1992, the AVE arrived for the first time in Seville. Two decades later, a group of 25 young graduates led by Luis González, director of Innovation and Technology in the Gaia Program, want to reach North Africa in just over an hour without taking the boat, the car, or the plane . All with one objective: "To achieve a plan of economic and spatial development coordinated in the long term through the union of two essential nuclei of Spain and North Africa".

While Hyperloop One resolves its ideas contest, the other big 'startup' of the sector, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, has already contacted suppliers to install its first cylinder meters in the desert of the Arab Emirates. One of them has an Andalusian accent and is called Carbures . "It is a technological challenge that puts us at the forefront of technological development," says Rafael Contreras, CEO of Carbures.

The model they are developing will have a length of 30 meters, a diameter of 2.7 and weigh about 20 tons. Inside you can travel between 28 and 40 passengers at a speed exceeding 1,220 km / h . The initial order consists of five carbon fiber capsules that "take six to eight months to make."
