The video game industry increases its turnover by 15% in 2017

The video game industry increases its turnover by 15% in 2017

The employment registers a strong push, but the difficulties that cross the microenterprises and the descent of the programs of helps impede a greater growth

   The Spanish video game industry continues to grow for another year. In 2017, the sector reached 713 million euros in turnover, 15.6% more than the previous year. In turn, employment recorded a strong push and reached 6,337 professionals , 16.5% more. However, it is not all gold that shines, according to the "White Book of the Spanish Development of Video Games 2018" , an X-ray of the state of the sector promoted by the Spanish Development of Video Games (DEV), with the support of Icex, which illustrates the weaknesses and strengths of the 'gamer' industry in our country.

   The report reveals that 88% of companies invoice less than two million euros , which reflects an extremely polarized business fabric, composed of a broad base of micro - enterprises with fewer than five employees. Here precisely lies one of the main concerns of the Ministry of Culture. José Guirao believes that "although micro-enterprises are fundamental for the start, more powerful structures are needed to face competition".

The minister, who appealed to incorporate many more ethical values ​​in the contents of videogames, declared his conviction that "this sector is above all culture , far beyond entertainment, to combine with creativity the most varied formats, which include images and videos to music along with elaborate scripts ». In turn, the Minister of Culture stressed the need to "look for gender parity within the sector" where it does not reach 20%.

During 2017, only 23% of companies benefited from any aid program

In line with the minister's opinion, the report reveals the need to seek financing that allows the development and production of video games by the 455 companies that have been active since the last decade. The study shows that 90% of the share capital comes exclusively from the founding partners and 48% is self-financed with the income from their own activity. In addition, during 2017 only 23% of companies benefited from a grant program . A notable decrease when in 2013 that percentage was almost double.

With the aim of promoting precisely the sector, the Ministry of Culture has included a game of 2.5 million euros for this industry in the recently presented budget bill, which although is a "modest" amount shows the commitment of the Government with videogames, said Guirao.

Catalonia, video game engine

From the territorial point of view, Catalonia is consolidated as the main point of the Spanish video game industry, with 31% of companies absorbing half of the turnover and employment of the entire sector; then Madrid, the Valencian Community and Andalusia are located. The digital business models are the ones that generate the most turnover on average for Spanish videogame companies and the productions by order of media already represent a quarter of the income of the sector.

Belén Mainer , director of the degree in Creation and Narration of Videogames of the Francisco de Vitoria University, and in charge of presenting the report, expressed her optimism that "the growth trend with double-digit figures confirms the robustness of the sector ".

«The growth trend with double-digit figures confirms the robustness of the sector» »

In turn, the radiography shows that one in four companies develop mainly educational games , although the Spanish industry is highly transversal and activities are carried out in sectors such as applications, animation, publishing, toys and online gaming.

The sector continues betting on trends such as virtual reality , augmented and mixed, and electronic sports or eSports. The mixed reality is the one that grows the most when it is adopted among Spanish companies. Finally, 67% of revenues come from international markets, 10% more than in 2016, with an increase in the weight of the North American and Asian markets of 4% for both regions.
