
The wage gap widens and it will take more than a century to close

The wage gap widens and it will take more than a century to close The Equality Act of 2007 has not been able to match the salaries of men and women: Spain continues to the tail of the world    «If we show emotion, they call us dramatic. If we want to play against men, we are crazy. And if we dream of equal opportunities, we are delirious .... ». The voice of the American tennis player Serena Williams rose strongly during the last ceremony of the Oscars to denounce the inequality that exists in the sport. It was the issue of the latest advertising spot of the sports brand Nike, a feminist plea that - on the eve of the commemoration on March 8 of International Women's Day - leads us to reflect on the fact that it can be called « crazy »a woman who runs a marathon, boxing, training in the NBA, a winner of 23 Grand Slams who leaves the competition to have a baby and then returns ...«If they want to call you crazy, go ahead. Teach them what we can do crazy, " concludes

So you can find it through the wifi network

So you can find it through the wifi network Researchers are able to record the location each time a particular device sends or receives data packets wirelessly The end of roaming in the European Union has ended, in part, with the hunt for public Wi-Fi networks. A fast, simple and, at times, very dangerous free connection. Experts remember not to log on to pages such as the bank or email for the possible theft of credentials. However, wifi access records also allow knowing the exact location of a person. This has been demonstrated by Purdue University, which managed to find out the preferred places of its students by controlling the connections to its Wi-Fi network. In an interview published in VentureBeat, the researchers explained that "the goal was to use user data to create a model of user activities, with their different locations and schedules, and then make predictions." In their study, the scientists relied on the location of the Wi-Fi network when a pa

Samsung and Xiaomi start the battle before the Mobile World Congress

Samsung and Xiaomi start the battle before the Mobile World Congress The South Korean presents the Galaxy S10 and its strange folding mobile of almost 2000 euros, while the Chinese exhibits the MI9 - its flagship - with triple 48-megapixel camera    In the war of smartphones , Samsung and Xiaomi decided to leave the game board of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to show their weapons days before the big event of mobile telephony that takes place in Barcelona between February 25 and 28 . The main manufacturers will stop to show their most advanced terminals to date but the South Korean giant and the powerful Chinese have wanted to make this Wednesday, 'the first day of the MWC' to present their next flagship with the technology appointment of the year to return from the corner. The flashes are guaranteed and the duel for being the best terminal of 2019 has already begun. The Xiaomi MI9 The first to take the lead has been Xiaomi , who was a few hours ahead of S

This is how technology influences the family

This is how technology influences the family Parents see the arrival of smartphones too early for minors    The smartphone, the tablet, the console, the laptops and now the smart speakers are already one more member of the family, which, in some cases, generate tension and in others reduce the digital divide between generations. This is one of the conclusions of the study 'Impact of screens on family life'. The appropriate age for the 'first screen' is 10 years , as expressed by the families surveyed by GAD3 and Empantallados. That first technological friend is usually a tablet. Three years later, at 13, the first mobile phone arrives in the pockets of minors, although for four out of ten parents "arrived too early". In addition, one out of every three parents interviewed acknowledges that they are overusing technology and do not recognize themselves as a good model for their children.   The use and time is one of the main conflicts for 74% of f

The video game industry increases its turnover by 15% in 2017

The video game industry increases its turnover by 15% in 2017 The employment registers a strong push, but the difficulties that cross the microenterprises and the descent of the programs of helps impede a greater growth    The Spanish video game industry continues to grow for another year. In 2017, the sector reached 713 million euros in turnover, 15.6% more than the previous year. In turn, employment recorded a strong push and reached 6,337 professionals , 16.5% more. However, it is not all gold that shines, according to the "White Book of the Spanish Development of Video Games 2018" , an X-ray of the state of the sector promoted by the Spanish Development of Video Games (DEV), with the support of Icex, which illustrates the weaknesses and strengths of the 'gamer' industry in our country.    The report reveals that 88% of companies invoice less than two million euros , which reflects an extremely polarized business fabric, composed of a broad base of micr

Your rights on Whatsapp

Your rights on Whatsapp The app wants to implement group invitations    Everything you say in a WhatsApp group can be used against you, but you also have the right to a lawyer. It sounds like a phrase, but it is totally true. In Spain there are already several sentences that justify the dismissal for insults in Mark Zuckerberg's famous instant messenger application. However, lawyers and lawyers remind that "the privacy of a WhatsApp group is similar to that of a telephone conversation or an email". Although, they add that "if one of the participants in the conversation is the one who makes it public, they can be used as an argument to punish the employee ". To this equation, the experts add a question. Is it legal to share a screenshot of a conversation on WhatsApp? The answer: it depends. The action is usually very common, however if the conversation of a third party may be incurring a crime of revealing secrets and if it is done on social network

Popsicase, the Spanish cover for Pokémon Go

Popsicase, the Spanish cover for Pokémon Go The accessory includes a small sliding handle to hold the mobile safely    Pokémon Go continues to break all forecasts and continues to generate business opportunities. A Barcelona company has put on the market a smartphone sleeve to help users capture pokémons. The company 'Popsicase' has begun to market its invention on the internet, which is a case that includes a small sliding handle that facilitates the operation of the phone with one hand in a simple and safe way. "It is the perfect complement to play Pokémon Go", claim the inventors, who have started to market their patent at € 19 each slip-sleeve handle, says María José Pedragosa, one of the company's managers. The 'popsicase' case has been made to fit iPhone 6 and the last quarter of the year will be available for later versions of Apple's smartphone and its invention, patented internationally, has been designed and produced entirely in